Checkboxes in forms for Rails

Imagine we are creating a web application to help a conference coordinator organize and confirm which attendees will attend which sessions. This can be completed in Rails using collection select boxes.

Creating a CRUD app

A full-fledged CRUD application that utilizes RESTful routes is a major undertaking made easier with Ruby frameworks like Sinatra. This domain model creates users with authentication capabilities, so they can create causes that are categorized. Let’s walk through the process to see what composes a CRUD app.

Progress Report

Remember that commercial - ‘How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll Pop?’

Making a Ruby Gem

In this post, I will outline the basic set-up and process to create a gem that displays the air quality in a chosen zipcode of the US. In creating this gem, we need to consider questions like:

Unwinnable Strategy

There are many strategies to implement an unbeatable AI in a zero-sum game like tic-tac-toe, including using the minimax algorithm. Solely for entertainment, I will explain an alternative strategy that might not be as fool-proof, but will get the job done.


The yield statement provides a more in-depth look at what happens when enumerators like #each and #collect are used. These methods are used on arrays and iterate through the collection, applying code contained in the block to each element.

git revert vs. git reset

I previously wrote about two different methods to rollback a database migration file. In this entry, I will explain two different methods to undo commits made to your application.

Heroku: deploying in multiple environments

A common question comes up on how to deploy the same app to two different remote repositories on Heroku - for instance, a “staging” remote and a “production” remote.

Installing Heroku

Heroku is an excellent cloud service to deploy your Rails application. It provides the database server for your application and is extremely easy to use. I’ve provided detailed instructions on how to successfully install Heroku.

Rename the GitHub repository

Your initial repository name may no longer be applicable or you simply desire to change it. This is a very easy process to do.

db:rollback vs. db:migrate:down

It happens every once in a while - the database table is set up incorrectly in the migration file and you don’t realize it until later. Or maybe you simply need to edit the database table based on updated information. Read on:

Looking back at my CareerFoundry Experience

In the short time that I’ve gone through CF, I’ve learned how to create my own portfolio website and an e-commerce website from scratch using multiple programming languages, frameworks, and libraries. Maybe you’re just starting the journey and downloading Sublime Text for the first time ever or maybe you’re on exercise 58 and thinking, “When is this exercise going to end??” Wherever you are in the course, I wanted to share some insights with you that I’ve gleaned in my time at CF that I hope will help you now and in the future.