Languages: HTML, CSS, Javascript
Frameworks/Libraries: Bootstrap, jQuery, AngularJS, AJAX, JSON
Concepts: Responsive design
Languages: SQL, Ruby
Frameworks/Libraries: Sinatra, Rails
Concepts: MVC architecture, Object-Oriented Programming, RESTful protocol, CRUD resources, Test Driven Development
Experience: 6 years, co-owner of retail store averaging a half million in annual sales
Responsibilities: day-to-day operations, employee management, marketing, customer service issues, new profit-generating ideas, Notary Public
Coming Soon!
Coming Soon!
Coming Soon!
Main Concepts: User Authentication, user authorization, MVC architecture, RESTful protocol, CRUD resources, security issues review, automatic testing methods, debugging processes, payment and comments/reviews systems
Languages: HTML, CSS, Javascript, Ruby (Rails)
Main Concepts: MVC architecture/separation of concerns: business logic in models, presentation logic in views, user authentication with session info. and prevention of unauthorized access redirection in controllers
Languages: Ruby (Sinatra)
Main Concepts: Model associations: join table, has_many :through relationship, belongs_to/has_many relationship, association data displayed in views, POST form submission associations
Languages: Ruby (Sinatra)
Concepts: User authentication and authorization with helper methods, protected views and redirected routes with unauthorized access, RESTful routes with CRUD resources
Languages: Ruby (Sinatra)
Concepts: Object-Oriented Programming, object relationships and collaboration, data parsing, CLI design
Languages: Ruby
Concepts: Object-Oriented Programming, object relationships and collaboration, algorithms, CLI design
Languages: Ruby
Concepts: Object-Oriented Programming, object relationships and collaboration, algorithms, data parsing, gem packaging, CLI design
Languages: Ruby
I went straight from graduating college with an Economics degree to running a retail business. After a fruitful run of packaging thousands of boxes and sorting hundreds of thousands of pieces of mail, I found my way into web development a year later.
In a short time, I gained enough knowledge to be hired as a mentor to students just starting their web development education. As I delved deeper into coding, I realized I enjoyed the data analysis that was possible with programming. (I make spreadsheets for fun!)
My goal is to become a multi-faceted developer who has the UX/UI chops to make a website look and function efficiently for the company, while also possessing skillsets in various eCommerce platforms and services to effectively analyze data and produce actionable results.